The towering ships, the labyrinthine cities, the awe-inspiring ruins of long-extinct empires rich with Remnant treasure – these are the legacy of the Celestials. But if you think they built these marvels with their own hands, think again.
While humans take pride in the sweat and struggle that have forged some of our greatest achievements, the Celestials consider this work beneath them. Instead, they rely on others to build their empires.
Among the many Changeling species bred to serve them, one stands above the rest in both quantity and quality – the Rexxana. From the rise of Celestial dominance, these relentless workers have served as the foundation of Celestial industry, the essential gears driving its machinery.
Standing at an impressive six and a half feet tall, with arms outstretching their legs, the Rexxana were engineered as quintessential futuristic construction laborers. However, what solidifies their reputation as "The Workers" is the revolutionary neural induction interface embedded in their design—the Trigger Socket. This remarkable fusion of organic form and mechanical function blurs the boundary between consciousness and machinery, embodying the aggressive ambition and detached ingenuity of their creators.
Yet, as Celestial technology advanced, the Rexxana were cast aside – forgotten servants replaced by mass-produced constructs and automation. Some Dominions still use them, repurposing their Trigger Sockets with weapons and deploying them as expendable first-wave soldiers. But like many Changelings, the Rexanna have been pushed to the fringes – left to fend for themselves on barely habitable worlds.
There is a moral to this story for humanity. The Rexxana are not our allies. They are a warning. A chilling glimpse of what awaits us if we fail. They are the Celestials’ aftermath – discarded, replaceable, expendable. And if we falter, it could be us left scavenging for scraps, struggling to remember who we once were.
This is why we fight.
Not just to survive,
But to preserve what makes us human.